Registration for this course closes at Mon 17 Feb 2025 06:30.
Continue your Dinghy Sailing journey
Register for Level 2 today - spaces limited
Complete Level 2 in February and start the TSC Sailing Season refreshed and ready to sail!
Included in the course fee is a 5 Pass Pacer boat hire card
Safety equipment
Qualified, Experienced Instructors
Plus 3 Months Club Membership
Join in on our many club activities—adventure sails, racing, regattas, or taking your friends out for a Sunday sail!
This course is open to participants from 13 to 99 years old!
The course cost is $350. 10% discount for families, we accept Fair Play vouchers - please enquire before registering,
We look forward to seeing you back in 2025!
Any questions? Email us
*If you do not have an existing Australian Sailing Number - please select SIGN UP - then select Full membership (event/course participant $0)
This will activate your introductory membership to TSC and generate an Australian Sailing number.
*Please note refunds will incur a 10% fee
Minimum and Maximum apply.

Course Overview
This course equips participants with boat rigging knowledge and sailing skills to sail a dinghy on their own.
Course Prerequisites
Water confident, and the skills and knowledge gained in Start Sailing 1.
Who should do this course?
This course is designed for participants who have completed Start Sailing 1 and are wanting to learn and continue to develop their fundamental sailing skills.
Course Outcome
You will gain your Start Sailing 2 completion certificate.

We recognise that some of our course participants are completing the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award and may be using sailing and/or club membership to complete one or more sections of The Award. To learn more, click here.