TSC is offering club boats for hire for the TSC Sprint regatta - as per the Notice of Race
If unsure of your experience level for hiring a particular boat for racing, please feel free to contact us to discuss. Boat will be available for practice from 9am on Friday 4 Ocotber, or on Sunday mornings leading up to the regatta (when standard Sunday morning hire conditions will be in place).
All sailors in the regatta require club membership or can take out a sail pass for the event. SAIL PASS LINK
Regatta fees are additional to boat hire fees - please read the Notice Of Race extract as below prior to completing a boat hire registration and payment.
Club Boats for Hire
Townsville Sailing Club has a number of Club Boats available for competitors to Hire. Hired Club Boats will be reserved on a first come first serve basis through the registration process.
The allocation of hire boats will be random for the regatta within each class, with the supplied boat allocated to the hiring competitor for the duration of the regatta.
Hiring competitors will be responsible for minor repairs during the course of the regatta to keep their allocated boat sailing.
Major damage is to be reported to the Club, and there is no guarantee made by the club that a boat can be provided for the full regatta in the event of major damage. Should a boat be unable to complete the regatta due to major damage, the club may consider a refund on a pro-rata basis depending on the nature of the incident leading to the major damage. Where possible an alternative Club Boat could be provided if major damage prevents sailing the full regatta in the originally allocated boat.
Hire fees for Club Boats are outlined in Section 5 of this Notice of Race and must be paid prior to the close of registration. Club Boats will not be able to be hired as part of the late registration process.
The number and class of available Club Boats for hire are:
Fee Schdule
* Please note the insurance excess will be charged to the hirer in the event of a claim, if they are deemed to be at fault.
Any questions - please email us!
Files for download
NOR 2024 Townsville Sprint Regatta FINAL v1